Visit to Lincoln University

6th December 2023
5 minute read

Hi! I’m Nicole… I am a Lead 3D Designer at The Design Solution. The latest news is that we are visiting Lincoln University! This is a blast from the past for me, as I graduated there in 2020. Our intention for this trip is to inform and inspire the students.

Reflecting a similar experience I had when studying, we want to show the students the posibilities of CGI in design. Prior to me finishing my degree, I had no idea of the extent of 3D modelling and rendering within this industry. Since then i’ve learnt the power of rendering. To my suprise, visualisation is no longer an end stage deliverable, but it is now an integral tool woven throughout the process. We are constantly exploring design ideas in 3D, and within a day, the look and feel of a space can change completely.

This visit comes at a really exciting time as we intend to start expanding our reach to younger generations, with the hope of inspiring and finding new talented juniors to joining our growing team in the future. 

2023-12-06T11:44:03+00:00 6th December 2023|
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